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Industrial 24 Volt Power Backup Solution

Industrial 24 Volt Power Backup Solution

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POWER ON: Industrial 24 Volt Power Backup Solution

POWER-ON by Process Solutions is a redundant industrial 24 Volt power backup system that will ensure uninterrupted power to your critical monitoring and control systems.  The system provides both “bumpless” battery backup power through power outages and protection against power surge and transient conditions such as brown-outs. If one of our standard solutions does not exactly meet your needs, we can easily modify one of our designs to meet your specific requirements.  It takes far less than one second interruption in power for todays modern electronic equipment to completely stop and restart, sending your process into unknown conditions and rendering your process temporarily blind to monitoring and alarming.

The system is based on sealed lead acid batteries for backup power and incorporates all the latest UPS features and technology for maximum performance. It is designed to be deployed at “point of use” for relatively small or individual controller loads and is available to be used in either in NEC Classified or Unclassified areas. Purge options and other third-party certifications are available.

Reasons to use POWER-ON

  • Provides redundant battery for critical process control, monitoring, and alarm systems. The system will provide a variety of backup times based on load and battery selection
  • Uninterrupted power can be supplied not only to controller and communications electronics but to sensors and valves allowing the process to continue running normally despite loss of primary power.
  • Advanced diagnostics and alarming mean you have confidence that the system is ready to respond to power outages and brown-outs.
  • Monitored surge protection provided means that surge protection can be monitored for faults and a contact is available for monitoring and alarming.

Customizable features with the POWER-ON

  • Battery selection provides for a wide range of backup time. Supported 12 VDC battery sizes are between 3.9 and 150 Ah. A typical application using 100 Ah batteries results in a battery backup time of about 9 hours at 22.5 Volts / 10 amps load.
  • Electrical design provides for segregation of critical and non-critical loads making backup times as long as possible while using the same pair of power supplies.
  • Standard primary power can be 120 or 240VAC and output voltage is adjustable between 22.5 VDC and 26 VDC.

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