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How To Convert Analog Signals Into Engineering Units

Utilizing Scale Instructions to Convert Analog Signals into Engineering Units Relating 4-20mA Analog input signals to engineering units has proven to be difficult for users. At first glance, this seems like a simple task- apply a mathematical formula to an analog input value to convert the result into engineering units.

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Pump Monitoring and Protection

Pump Monitoring via Rugged Industrial Switches to Protect Pumps from Burning Out and Damage. Kayden CLASSIC 800 Series for Automatic Switching On/Off, Alarms.

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Overflow Protection Made Easy

Kayden Switch for Overflow Protection The Kayden CLASSIC 800 Series Thermal Dispersion Flow, Level, Interface, and Temperature Switch & Transmitter provides the critical control necessary for level monitoring and control in liquid holding tanks. This level switch may be set to activate or deactivate the pump or feed valve using

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(ultra) low flow

Catalytic Treatment of Volatile Organic Compounds

Jean-Francois Lamonier, a lecturer/researcher at the University of Lille, is an expert in the the catalytic treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).  He leads the ‘Remediation and Catalytic Materials’ (REMCAT) research team in the Laboratory of Catalysis and Solid State Chemistry (UCCS), which specializes in the catalytic removal of atmospheric

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5 Keys To Overcoming Traditional PLC Limitations

Traditional PLC configurations struggle to meet automation requirements without adding external, sometimes third-party hardware and software to complete an entire control system. Automation systems are no longer solely about simple ladder logic used to replace relays- modern automation systems are designed for speed of implementation, flexibility, scalability, and connectivity; all

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