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Best Dye Dosing Systems

Using Bronkhorst For Dye Dosing

Our Bronkhorst products serve many different industries and have a wide variety of applications. One of our most popular applications is dosing. Customers use their Bronkhorst meters and controllers to have more precise dye dosing systems.

Bronkhorst has designed a precise, compact Mass Flow Meter and Controller, based on the Coriolis measuring principle. This product has been designed to fit the needs of the low flow market. There are many models that have flow ranges from 0.1 g/h up to 300 kg/h. Each model offers multi-range functionality.


Mini CORI-FLOW Features:

  • Lowest flow rates available on the market (based on Coriolis measuring principle)
  • High accuracy, excellent repeatability Integrated PID for fast and stable control
  • Direct mass flow measurement, independent of fluid properties
  • Additional density and temperature output
  • Compact, space saving design
  • Small internal volume

Fields of Application

Mini CORI-FLOW™ instruments can be applied for both gases and liquids in process fluid measurement or control systems. Typical fields of applications are:

  • Analytical systems
  • Dosing of additives in food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries
  • (Petro-) chemical installations
  • Pilot plants
  • CVD/Coating systems
  • Semiconductor processing

Concentrated Dye Dosing Systems

Today we are going to look at one of its most common applications; Dye dosing. This Bronkhorst Coriolis instrument is being used along with a pump in dosing skids. This setup produces a small amount of concentrated dye. This is an important function for the production of home care products (soap, detergents, toothpaste, shaving cream, fabric softener etc.)

Dye Dosing system with a pump

Advantages of Using Bronkhorst Coriolis Instruments In Dye Dosing Systems

  • Less water usage
  • Shorter machine time during color change
  • Increased stability.
  • Longer shelf life of the dye
  • Less cleaning of machinery necessary

Bronkhorst Product used in this Dye Dosing system:

Mini CORI-FLOW Coriolis Mass Flow Meters and Controllers

Mini Cori Flow Meter

Mass Flow Measurement of low flow rates, independent of fluid properties

  • Lowest range 0.05-5 g/h
  • Highest range 3-300 kg/h
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