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M-Th: 8AM-5PM

Fri: 7:30AM-3PM

Allen Bradley Micrologix and PanelView vs Horner XL7

Example of a Cost Comparison Between Horner and Allen Bradley

There are endless applications for small programmable logic controllers, and they typically will result in increased product quality, increased safety, and better process oversight and data. They also almost always result in less operator intervention and workload. This comparison will examine the costs of hardware and software for a relatively small application which requires a local human-machine touch interface. Some of the basic assumptions are:

  • Small number of IO with some analog
  • Medium/small size touchscreen interface
  • Ethernet and Modbus connectivity
  • Required Programming Software
  • All prices are List


Including the cost of RSLogix and FactoryTalk (which is required) the Horner OCS results in a savings of $5536. Since the software is a one-time cost the comparison can be made without it – and that still results in a savings of $1241 for each project or installation.

Give the Horner OCS a try on your next project, for a limited time new customers trying a Horner OCS can purchase without risk, for details follow the link below.

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