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The PSC Lift Station Monitor

The Process Solutions Lift Station Meter.  Gathering the experience of our engineers and technicians, we saw a need to track the health of pumps at lift stations.  The goals:

  • reduce costs
  • schedule maintenance
  • extend serviceable life of pumps

Monitoring the pump cycles reveals a great deal about the current state of the lift station.  Is the influent clogged?  The pump will not need to come on.  Is the effluent clogged?  The pump will not shut off.  Is there another issue with the station?  Many times, the pump alone can help identify what’s going on.  But the Process Solutions Lift Station Meter is capable of so much more!  Is there an influent or effluent flowmeter?  What about a level indicator?  Do you have any other equipment that relays data about the lift station?  All of these devices can be fed into the Lift Station Meter.


The basic Lift Station Meter simply tracks on/off cycles of the pump and any other devices.  As maintenance personnel visit the lift station, they can check the Lift Station Meter for status, and determine if additional actions are required.

The next level Lift Station Meter profiles the equipment and stores data on a micro SD card which can easily be swapped out.  These trends can indicate other potential problems such as, is Pump 2 running longer than Pump 1?  Is a pump missing cycles?

The gold standard Lift Station Meter profiles and transmits the data via the web so it can be monitored remotely.  This was very helpful during the floods from Hurricane Harvey.  Some lift stations in the Houston area were pumping millions of gallons every minute due to floodwaters.  Management was able to determine, without visiting the sites, which stations continued operating during the storm, reducing contamination of floodwaters.

The question is not, “Will I need a Process Solutions Lift Station Meter?”

It’s only a question of “When?”

Don’t wait for the catastrophic failure of your lift station.  Contact Process Solutions today for more information on the Lift Station Meter.

Click here for more details: https://psctexas.com/product/psc-lift-station-meter/

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