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Lift Station Measurement with the PiloTREK

Lift Station Measurement with the PiloTREK

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A wastewater lift station can be a very essential part of wastewater treatment. A lift station is essentially a pumping station that moves wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher elevation. A big benefit of using a lift station is the amount of money saved from not having to dig for sewer pipes

Our partners at Nivelco had a customer in West Texas that needed continuous measurement of the level in their 30 ft deep wells containing stormwater and trash (during heavy rains, especially in the winter months, large volumes of trash wind up in the lift station inlet well).

Lifstation filled with trash

A Nivelco Solution

A Nivelco Model WPP PiloTREK was selected for this application. The full installation, transmitter configuration, and the start-up were performed by the customers highly trained electricians. The PiloTREK Model was mounted on a six-inch PVC plastic still well.

Electrician working on the liftstation
There were several float type level switches installed along with the still well to control the water level that is flowing into the well. This plastic still well serves two purposes:

  1. It maintains the surface to enable measurement
  2. Keeps the floating trash out

This solution has performed well and is operating continuously. This system is providing the level data to a data acquisition system. The data is then transmitted wirelessly via a GE Ethernet network to a central location to provide critical capacity and pumping information to the operators and engineers.

Mounted data accquisition system

More About The PiloTREK

PiloTREK Level Transmitter

  • 2-wire integrated transmitter
  • 25 GHz (K-band) measuring signal
  • Non-contact level metering
  • Accuracy up to ±0.12 inch
  • Measuring range up to 75 feet
  • 99-point linearization
  • Plastic housing
  • Horn, planar or parabolic antenna
  • Stainless steel or plastic encapsulated sensor
  • Explosion-proof models
  • Where IP68 is needed


  • Level measurement of liquids, emulsions and other chemicals
  • Food and beverage
  • Chemical industry
  • Oil industry
  • Water/wastewater industry
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