M-Th: 8AM-5PM

Fri: 7:30AM-3PM

M-Th: 8AM-5PM

Fri: 7:30AM-3PM

Displaying 4-20 mA via Panel Meter

The 4-20 mA signal is an analog representation of the thermal signal on the thermal signal bar graph on the display panel of the Kayden CLASSIC. Please note that the 4-20mA output signal corresponds to the scaled thermal signal view as determined by the range (LED-0 and LED-100 pointers). The 4-20mA signal may display either as forward-acting (ascending 4-20mA) or reverse-acting (descending  20-4 mA).


View or Adjust the 4-20 mA Output Current Mode

  1. Press and release the SET button until the fault LED is flashing and the Run Mode LED is off.
  2. The thermal Signal Bar Graph now shows the 4-20 mA Output Mode.
      • For forward-acting (ascending) [0% = 4mA] the 0-25% LEDs illuminate
      • For reverse-acting (descending) [100% = 4 mA] the 75-100% LEDs illuminate

Connect a Panel Meter to display the 4-20 mA analog output feature on the Kayden CLASSIC 800. This step is only necessary when connecting a meter to demonstrate the 4-20mA analog output signal. These instructions are not part of the setup for the Kayden CLASSIC 800.

Requirements to Demonstrate the 4-20 mA Analog Output Feature of the Kayden CLASSIC 800

  1. a Kayden CLASSIC 800 with the DC input power adapter
  2. the Quick Setup Guide or Product Manual for the CLASSIC 800
  3. a small (3-4″) length of (22 gauge) insulated wire for a jumper
  4. any small panel meter that reads mA (250 ohm load)

kayden-switch-classic-800-transmitter-flow-level-interface-industrial-measurement-4-20-mA-output-process-solutions-corp-texasConnecting the Panel Meter

  1. first, remove the Kayden CLASSIC electronics module from the enclosure to permit access to the wiring terminals in the base plate inside the enclosure
  2. next, connect the jumper wire between LOOP+ and +VDC
  3. then, connect the positive lead from the panel meter to the LOOP-
  4. connect the negative lead from the panel meter to -COMMON
  5. last, reinstall the Electronics Module:
      • With the enclosure right-side-up (conduit connection facing down), tuck the excess cable behind the left side of the base plate, starting at the top.
      • Then, making sure that all wires and the cable are not covering the connectors, give the Electronics Module 1/4 turn counter-clockwise to keep the cable between the connectors.
      • Last, gently push the Kayden CLASSIC Electronics Module into place. You should feel it click home with minimal force. However, if it will not seat, check the cable.
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