M-Th: 8AM-5PM

Fri: 7:30AM-3PM

M-Th: 8AM-5PM

Fri: 7:30AM-3PM

EL-FLOW Base Series, Thermal Mass Flow Controller

EL-FLOW Base Series, Thermal Mass Flow Controller

The Mass Flow Controllers of the EL-FLOW Base Series are standard and straightforward instruments that provide accurate measurement, fast response, and stable control in common gas flow applications. EL-FLOW Base is an economical solution for installation in (OEM) systems e.g. in coating or welding applications. These instruments operate on the principle of thermal mass flow measurement in ranges starting from 0.2…10 mln/min up to 4…200 ln/min air-equivalent. These Mass Flow Controllers offer analog I/O-signals as well as digital RS232 communication and/or Modbus-RTU as a standard feature.


  • accurate mass flow measurement/control
  • fast response, excellent repeatability
  • virtually pressure and temperature independent Cost effective solution
  • analog I/O-signals: 0 to 5 (10) Vdc or 0(4)-20 mA RS232 communication
  • Modbus-RTU or -ASCII
  • control characteristics digitally configurable by user


Fields of Applications

Burner Control

Burner control using thermal mass flow controllers (MFC) brings many advantages compared to conventional systems, where flow is adjusted through needle valves. When burner orifices get clogged or when gas supply pressure varies, an MFC will automatically adapt to the changed conditions.

EL-FLOW Base Series Mass Flow Controller Model Line-Up

Ranges based on Air, intermediate ranges available



min. flow

0.2…10 mln/min

max. flow

0.4…20 ln/min


0.4…20 ln/min

1.4…70 ln/min


1.4…70 ln/min

4…200 ln/min