Our self-contained, self-powered, gas detection transmitters capture data and wirelessly transmits it to SCADA systems, PLC, DCS, or to the cloud. Each transmitter has a range of up to 3/4 miles and can be combined with a repeater for a range up to 7 miles. Due to the frequency used, these transmitters are ideal for remote or obscured areas as they can dynamically change their signal to ensure communication remains constant. Furthermore, this transmitter can integrate into our optional Cloud Software, which provides remote, near real-time view of data, trends, as well as predictive analysis.
Our unique gas detection transmitter is ideal for monitoring, transmitting, and integrating gas emissions data across your facility, to offsite destinations, and/or around the globe. IIoT Technology Innovations, Inc. (IIoTTTI) patented gas and vapor sensors test for hydrocarbons in addition to a large class of commonly used and potentially dangerous industrial compounds (VOCs, H2S, O, etc.).
The versatility of our gas detection transmitter assures a “protective umbrella” that quickly and accurately discovers the presence of fugitive emissions and quickly notifies authorities of the location and type of gas. Improving environmental safety for all employees is the rationale behind this device, which offers a totally wireless solution. The performance, reliability, and service life of these devices, operating in some of the most demanding and congested environments, are proven unequaled. IIoTTTI gas and vapor sensors are available in a powerful self-contained, self-powered unit. These devices are perfect for operating in areas where AC power is unavailable. Additionally, IIoTTTI single point gas and vapor monitoring systems provide essential and timely information when and wherever needed.
With IIoTTTI Sixth Sense® intelligent process insight, operators gain an unprecedented look into their processes. Furthermore, our 900 MHz technology connects even the most remote signals and brings them straight to your control room. Going beyond the basics, your data can also integrate into our sophisticated Cloud Computing software.
Our Cloud Solutions give you smart insight into your processes as well as asset performance. This will help you make informed decisions to increase safety and prioritize maintenance in addition to de-bottlenecking processes and much more. We provide insight on near real-time data for numerous data points for example, temperature, pressure, vibration, level, gas detection, and much more.
This model has been tested and approved for countless environments, both atmospheric and submersible, offering operating ranges as defined by specific application (LEL, ppm, ppb). Gases monitored include but are not limited to VOCs, NH3, CO, CO2, Cl2, H2S, O2, as well as SO2, and more.
The IIoTTTI gas emission monitoring system operates independently or grouped with our patented and sophisticated cloud data acquisition technology. The model IIOT-2080 instantly transmits data to the control room for alarming at predefined levels and/or to activate an alarm. Furthermore, it has a self-transmitting range of 3/4 mile (1.2 km). For longer distances, the use of IIoTTTI Intelligent Repeaters can expand the effective range to 7 miles (11.3 km) or more.
Frequency hopping provides redundancy to reduce the risk of losing a signal to interference or reception. This is due to its unique spread spectrum data transmission technique. Frequency hopping minimizes the effects of walls, structures, and also terrain of the signal, which means these transmitters work well even in obscured areas. In addition, it allows data to be secure on both the sending and receiving ends of the process.
These Data Packets Transmit via a Transmit Only Device in a binary format. Then, the Receive Only Device receives and processes the packet before integrating it in this Modbus enabled Serial Data Processing Device. After, the data converts into something that is meaningful by correlating to our data base, as the factory programs it to work in conjunction with the field instruments.
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